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Cosmetology Schools

Cosmetology Schools Education
Cosmetology Work: Cosmetology professionals are responsible for the personal appearance of their clients. In addition to the basics of their job, a cosmetologist may provide advice to their clients about how to care for their hair, types of hair care products to buy and use, hair color, and more. Cosmetology professionals may also give their clients manicures, pedicures, or scalp and facial treatments.
Cosmetology Skills: The cosmetology profession requires a great deal of interpersonal skill and an ability to communicate effectively with clients, as the cosmetologist is helping clients with their personal appearance and even their self image. Cosmetology jobs also require an understanding of the latest trends in personal appearance and fashion. Since a large percentage of cosmetologists are self-employed, a fair degree of business savvy is also important.
Cosmetology School Courses: Courses in cosmetology schools train you in all aspects of personal care, including personal hygiene, haircutting and hairstyling, skin care, scalp care, facial massaging and more. Some cosmetology students may opt to have a more specialized focus in their course work, and take courses in manicures, pedicures, and electrolysis. Cosmetology schools also generally include practice on live "customers" in school shops used for training purposes.
Cosmetology Employment: A large percentage of cosmetology school graduates are self employed, often working as part of a larger salon. Other cosmetology professionals work on salary within the salon. About 90% of cosmetologists work in various aspects of hair and facial care, with the remainder finding employment as manicurists, pedicurists, skin care specialists, or shampooers. Job prospects for graduates of cosmetology schools are expected to be excellent.
Vatterott College 
Vatterott College has been a leader in preparing students for the market for over 30 years. Vatterott College has courses that begin every 10 weeks. Diploma programs can be completed in as little as 13 weeks, with more substantial programs taking up to 60 weeks.
Other Programs
Criminal Justice Degree
This site provides information on pursuing a criminal justice degree.
Criminal Justice Degree Courses: Criminal justice degree programs typically include courses in criminal law, the structure of the criminal justice system, the tools available to law enforcement, the nature of criminals and other offenders, and more. Criminal justice degree courses train students on current trends in criminal research and technology used in fighting crime. In addition, criminal justice degree students take courses that teach the organizational skills needed to organize and manage criminal justice organizations.
Employment in Criminal Justice: There are many types of employment for graduates with a criminal justice degree. Some of these jobs include: security officer, customs agent, police officer, corrections officer, drug enforcement agent, detective, naval investigator, fish and game warden, court clerk, victims services, and many, many more such roles. In these uncertain times and increasing demand for security, job prospects for those with a criminal justice degree are very good.
Nature of Work in Criminal Justice: Criminal justice work can vary significantly with the specific employment. But many criminal justice jobs demand the ability to research and investigate events that have already taken place, through the review of forensic evidence and interviewing of other individuals that may have information about the events in question. Criminal justice work requires you to be able to gather this information and reconstruct events. This may require repeated efforts to gather more and more data. In addition, great patience is required and sometimes it is not possible to determine what happened, and in such cases criminal actions may go unpunished. Of course, many times, it is possible to reconstruct the events and bring them to a successful resolution.


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